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Preprint / Version 1

Parametric probabilistic approach for cumulative fatigue damage using double linear damage rule considering limited data


  • João Paulo Dias Texas Tech University
  • Stephen Ekwaro-Osire Texas Tech University
  • Americo Cunha Jr Rio de Janeiro State University
  • Shweta Dabetwar Texas Tech University
  • Abraham Nispel Texas Tech University
  • Fisseha Alemayehu West Texas A&M University
  • Haileyesus Endeshaw Colorado State University



double linear damage rule, limited data experiments, cumulative fatigue damage, uncertainty quantification, Maximum Entropy Principle


This work proposes a parametric probabilistic approach to model damage accumulation using the double linear damage rule (DLDR) considering the existence of limited experimental fatigue data. A probabilistic version of DLDR is developed in which the joint distribution of the knee-point coordinates is obtained as a function of the joint distribution of the DLDR model input parameters. Considering information extracted from experiments containing a limited number of data points, an uncertainty quantification framework based on the Maximum Entropy Principle and Monte Carlo simulations is proposed to determine the distribution of fatigue life. The proposed approach is validated using fatigue life experiments available in the literature.  


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