Edit a Submission

Add published article DOI

1. Access your posted submissions at https://engrxiv.org/submissions#archive

2. Click on the submission you wish to edit.

3. Click on the "Relations" button.

4. Select the third option and add your published article DOI.


Edit the submission metadata or files

1. Access your posted submissions at https://engrxiv.org/submissions#archive

2. Click on the submission you wish to edit.

3. Click the "Create New Version" button.

4. Make your desired edits* and save them.

5. Click the "Submit new version" button and provide an explanation of the edits in the justification box. This justification will be displayed publicly on the preprint page.

6. Click Submit. This notifies the server manager that your new preprint version is ready to be posted. The new version is not posted automatically, but is reviewed by the server manager.


*Note that withdrawal of preprints is generally not allowed as per server policy.