Preprint / Version 1

Changes in the Physical Properties of Hydrocarbon Reservoir as a Result of an Increase in the Effective Pressure During the Development of the Field




Effective pressure, Permeability., Physical properties, Porosity, Reservoir pressure


The change in reservoir pressure and its effect on the physical properties of the reservoir under the development of the hydrocarbon fields has always been of great interest to many researchers in the oil industry. One of the tasks of core research is to obtain interpretation models that provide quantitative processing of well logging data. The effects of the change of effective pressure on the reservoir properties of productive reservoir rocks in the simulation conditions of the reservoir are studied. Reservoir conditions were simulated, and under these conditions, the main physical properties of each sample were determined. The field development process was simulated by a decrease in reservoir pressure, accompanied by an increase in effective pressure by 10.0 MPa. This has shown that we can expect a decrease in the average formation porosity (φ) value by 0.05 absolute percent or 0.24%, and a decrease in the permeability (K) by 0.24 md, or 0.14 %. The data on changes in some petrophysical parameters are analyzed from the point of view of their dependence on changes in the effective pressure of the reservoir, obtained in the first approximation of the assessment of these changes


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