Preprint / Version 1

Fusion of fNIRS and EEG Signals: Mental Stress Study




Fusion of Functional Near infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS) and Electroencephalograph (EEG) is a novel approach. This study aims in improving the detection rate of mental stress using the complementary nature of fNIRS and EEG neuroimaging modality. Simultaneous measurements of fNIRS and EEG signals were conducted on 12 subjects while solving arithmetic problems under two different conditions (control and stress). The stress in this work was based on arithmetic task difficulty, time pressure and negative feedback of individual performance. The study demonstrated significant reduction in the concentration of oxygenated hemoglobin (p=0.0032) and alpha rhythm power (p=0.0213) on the PFC under stress condition. Specifically, the right PFC and dorsolateral PFC were highly sensitive to mental stress. Using support vector machine (SVM), the mean detection rate of mental stress was calculated as 91%, 95% and 98% using fNIRS, EEG and fusion of fNIRS and EEG signals respectively.


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