Preprint / Version 1

Impact of node count on energy-optimal control of stratified vertical water heaters in smart grid applications




electric water heaters, optimal control, Smart grid


The energy requirements for an Electric Water Heater (EWH) accounts for 40% of a household's total energy consumption and 30% of greenhouse gases emissions. The flexibility of the device to store thermal energy for long periods highlights how the intensity of the grid demand can be alleviated by implementing demand-side management (DSM) strategies. In this paper, we evaluate energy savings that can be achieved by modelling the EWH as a variable number of multiple nodes and providing it with optimal control with perfect foreknowledge of the hot water usage profile. We simulated 77 household's for all four seasons and determined that an average daily energy saving of 6.2% for temperature-matching and 16.3% for energy-matching can be achieved for a 20-node EWH. We also evaluated how increasing the number of nodes of the EWH when determining the optimal planning affects energy savings. It was concluded that using more than four nodes produced diminishing returns.


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