Preprint / Version 1

Predicting Power and Hydrogen Generation of a Renewable Energy Converter Utilizing Data-Driven methods; A Sustainable Smart Grid Case Study


  • Rituraj Rituraj Doctoral School of Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics, Obuda University



hydrogen production, renewable energy, green energy, simulation, FLOW-3D, electrical power


This study proposes a data-driven methodology for modeling power and hydrogen generation of a sustainable energy converter. The wave and hydrogen production at different wave heights and wind speeds are predicted. Furthermore, this research emphasizes and encourages the possibility of extracting hydrogen from ocean waves. By using the extracted data from FLOW-3D software simulation and the experimental data from the special test in the ocean, the comparison analysis of two data-driven learning methods is conducted. The results show that the amount of hydrogen production is proportional to the amount of generated electrical power. The reliability of the proposed renewable energy converter is further discussed as a sustainable smart grid application


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