Preprint / Version 1

Red Teaming Generative AI/NLP, the BB84 quantum cryptography protocol and the NIST-approved Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms

Red Teaming Generative AI and Quantum Cryptography




AI/NLP Vulnerability Detection, Quantum-Resilient Protocols, Automated Quantum Pen-Testing Kits, AI-Infused Platforms, Theoretical design, Knowledge development, Cybersecurity, BB84 protocol, Quantum computing, Cryptographic protocols, Ethics and Responsibility


In the contemporary digital age, Quantum Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) convergence is reshaping the cyber landscape, introducing both unprecedented opportunities and potential vulnerabilities.

This research, conducted over five years, delves into the cybersecurity implications of this convergence, with a particular focus on AI/Natural Language Processing (NLP) models and quantum cryptographic protocols, notably the BB84 method and specific NIST-approved algorithms. Utilising Python and C++ as primary computational tools, the study employs a "red teaming" approach, simulating potential cyber-attacks to assess the robustness of quantum security measures. Preliminary research over 12 months laid the groundwork, which this study seeks to expand upon, aiming to translate theoretical insights into actionable, real-world cybersecurity solutions. Located at the University of Oxford's technology precinct, the research benefits from state-of-the-art infrastructure and a rich collaborative environment. The study's overarching goal is to ensure that as the digital world transitions to quantum-enhanced operations, it remains resilient against AI-driven cyber threats. The research aims to foster a safer, quantum-ready digital future through iterative testing, feedback integration, and continuous improvement. The findings are intended for broad dissemination, ensuring that the knowledge benefits academia and the global community, emphasising the responsible and secure harnessing of quantum technology.


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