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Preprint / Version 2

Accounting for ground motion uncertainty in empirical seismic fragility modeling




Bayesian Inference, Markov chain Monte Carlo, Seismic fragility analysis, Ground motion uncertainty


Seismic fragility models provide a probabilistic relation between ground motion intensity and damage, making them a crucial component of many regional risk assessments. Estimating such models from damage data gathered after past earthquakes is challenging because of uncertainty in the ground motion intensity the structures were subjected to. Here, we develop a Bayesian estimation procedure that performs joint inference over ground motion intensity and fragility model parameters. When applied to simulated damage data, the proposed method can recover the data-generating fragility functions, while the traditionally used method, employing fixed, best-estimate, intensity values, fails to do so. Analyses using synthetic data with known properties show that the traditional method results in flatter fragility functions that overestimate damage probabilities for low-intensity values and underestimate probabilities for large values. Similar trends are observed when comparing both methods on real damage data. The results suggest that neglecting ground motion uncertainty manifests in apparent dispersion in the estimated fragility functions. This undesirable feature can be mitigated through the proposed Bayesian procedure.


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2023-11-06 — Updated on 2023-11-07


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