Preprint / Version 1

TMining: Detecting Fake News with Machine Learning and Explainable AI




Model Explanation, Machine Learning, Text Mining, Fake News


The spread of false information can significantly harm public opinion, underscoring the importance of accurately identifying untrustworthy news. This paper presents an innovative machine learning (ML) tool, TMining, designed to evaluate news credibility and facilitate various text-mining tasks. By examining a range of ML methodologies alongside preprocessing techniques, we aim to boost the system's effectiveness. Our research meticulously assesses different datasets, highlights the impact of applying stemming techniques, and employs Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIMEs) to shed light on the rationale behind model predictions. The outcomes reveal a notable enhancement in both the precision and clarity of the news verification process. The ultimate version of the model has been made available as an Application Program Interface (API), and its source code has been shared openly, encouraging further exploration and collaboration within the scientific community. This initiative advances our ability to discern manipulative context from fictitious content and promotes transparency and understanding in the domain of ML applications.


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