Preprint / Version 2

Continuous and discrete operation of potential flow networks with dissimilar sink potentials


  • Tarak Das Department of Chemical Engineering, IIT Madras, Chennai, India
  • Varghese Kurian University of Delaware
  • Sridharakumar Narasimhan Department of Chemical Engineering & Robert Bosch Center for Data Science and Artifical Intelligence, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, TN 600036 India



potential flow networks, continuous and discrete actuators, network control


Nodal demand satisfaction in potential flow networks often requires a scheduled manipulation of edge resistances. The actuators used to implement the resistance variations can broadly be classified into (i) discrete (edge fully OPEN or CLOSED) and (ii) continuous (continuously vary edge resistance). Previously, we presented theoretical bounds on the ratio of time required to transport a given quantum of material with either type of actuators assuming that that all sinks are at the same potential. In the present work, we extend the results to a class of networks with demand nodes at different potentials. Based on our findings, we conjecture that the bounds remain the same irrespective of whether the sinks are at the same potentials or not.


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2024-10-03 — Updated on 2024-10-07


Version justification

Corrected a typo in an author name