Preprint / Version 1

Automatic Lighting System In Smart Homes For Elderly Based On IOT




IoT, ESP32, Blynk, Blackbox Testing


The goal of this research is to create and optimise an autonomous lighting system based on the Internet of Things (IoT) in a smart home, with a focus on improving the comfort and safety of the elderly. The system uses LDR and PIR sensors, as well as embedded IoT devices, to automatically modify illumination in response to changes in light intensity and the presence of occupants. The research results suggest that the created autonomous lighting system works well with its components. Testing shows that the LDR and PIR sensors respond quickly to changes in light and motion, with the light reacting according to the local time set by the RTC. When the LED lights are turned on, the brightness may be changed using the dimmer. The system can also be controlled remotely via a mobile application. During the testing phase, black box testing methodologies were used to optimise the system's functional capabilities, guaranteeing that users may easily monitor the automatic lighting via the application interfaces. As a result, the system has demonstrated that both the hardware and the Blynk application are effective in managing the lights, making it simple for people to manage while giving significant benefits.


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