Preprint / Version 1

Data of Advanced High Strength Steel Column Pure Compression Tests


  • Chu Ding Johns Hopkins University



Cold-formed Steel, Buckling, Compressive strength, Thin-walled


This article contains 156 pure compression tests on unbraced Advanced High strength Steel (AHSS) columns. An experimental study has been conducted to investigate the compressive strength of cold-formed steel members made from AHSS sheets. Four parameters are varied in the testing: nominal yield stress (340 MPa to 1200MPa), member length (305 mm to 1219 mm), cross-section types (C and Sigma), and section depth (102 mm and 152 mm). The failure behavior of the longer unbraced length columns with higher strength steel are observed to exhibit buckling mode interactions. The peak loads from the tests are compared to the strength predictions by the Direct Strength Method (DSM) implemented in AISI S100 and AS/NZS 4600. 


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